Sugar Rush

H20 Refresher


energy rush

Soda rush

h2o refresher

energy rush

We offer a variety of cookies, from the classic chocolate chip cookie to a delicious coconut and lime sugar cookie. You are sure to find something to satisfy your sweet tooth.

We offer a variety of baked goods to complement our drinks. From cookies to a morning bagel you are sure to find something to satisfy your hunger or sweet tooth!
- Cookies
- Pretzels
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Bagels

We pride ourselves on our fast and friendly service. Our drive thru is open 7 days a week to give you the rush you need to get through your day!
- Monday – Thursday: 6:30 AM – 9:00 PM
- Friday: 6:30am-10pm
- Saturday: 8 AM – 10 PM
- Sunday: 9:30 AM – 7 PM

We’ve got everything you need to get that rush you are looking for in your day.

About Us

Fast & Friendly Service at your #1 stop Soda Shop! Sugar Rush is a drive thru Drink Experience specializing in Mixed Soda, Espresso, & Sweet Treats!